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Martí Gich and Qianzhe Zhang at the “iPolymorphs: Novel routes to inorganic polymorphs” conference in Donostia

Qianzhe Zhang presenting his posterFrom June 22th to 24th, Donostia (Basque Country) will be the capital of Inorganic Polymorphs due to the organization of the conference iPolymorphs: Novel routes to inorganic polymorphs.

Martí Gich and Qianzhe Zhang are attending the meeting: Martí will participate with a Keynote LectureDiscovering new low-density polymorphs via negative pressure synthesis”, and Qianzhe with a Poster Presentation “Stabilization of expitaxial quartz on Si from amorphous silica films”.

For more information, please visit the conference website and the speakers program.  

conference, iPolymorphs, Martí Gich, Qianzhe Zhang, San Sebastián