Tag: Bachelor’s Final Project

Jordi Floriach-Clark awarded excellent with distinction for his Bachelor’s thesis

Congratulations to the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology student Jordi Floriach-Clark and his supervisor Dr. Anna Laromaine Sagué for the excellent Treball de Final de Grau (Bachelor Degree Thesis). The work was on the use of bacterial cellulose for treatments in plants: “Bacterial Cellulose and its Nanocomposites for Applications in Regeneration and Infection Control in Plants.” and was awarded with excellent and distinction by the jury.

Good job Jordi and Anna! 

Pol Sallés received the award for the best Bachelor’s Final Project at the Formula VIII conference

Pol Sallés received yesterday (July 4th) the award for the best Bachelor’s Final Project at the Welcome Ceremony of the Formula VIII conference, at Hotel Crowne Plaza, in Barcelona. Pol’s work was entitled “TiO2/Au nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates for photocatalytic applications“, and was supervised by Anna Roig.Xavier Domingo Prizes

The prize, which consisted in 1000 € for the student and 500 € for the supervisor, to be spent in cultural activities/material, was delivered by Sergi Ruscalleda (CRODA), Miguel Burdeos (SPB) and Juan Lemmel (SEQC). 

Welcome Ceremony of the Formula VIII

This award is in the framework of the 4th Prizes Xavier Domingo, organized by the Spanish Committee of Detergent, Surfactants and Related Products (CED, Comité Español de la Detergencia, Tensioactivos y Afines), the Universitat de Barcelona, CRODA and SPB. A part from the award to Bacherlor students, there is also awards for Secondary Students who have done works related with colloids and surfactants. 

The winners

Premi pel Treball Final de Grau d’en Pol Sallés

026El treball final de grau “TIO2/Au nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates for photocatalytic applications” d’en Pol ha estat guardonat amb el Premi Xavier Domingo de la Universitat de Barcelona en la seva quarta edició. El Premi Xavier Domingo reconeix els millors treballs de final de grau sobre ciència de col·loides, cosmètica i detergència i està obert a tots els estudiants de les universitats espanyoles.

El lliurament del premi es farà el dia 4 de juliol a l’Hotel Crowne Plaza, coincidint amb l’acte inaugural del Formula VIII Congress of Formulation i les 46es Jornades anuals del Comité Español de la Detergencia, Tensioactivos y Afines.