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COMMON SENSE RESULTS: First test of the newly developed heavy metal sensors for Cd and Pb in natural sea water samples


This first test using natural Mediterranean seawater has shown that the method and electrodes worked correctly.

Studies were done at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in the Aquaria and Experimental Chambers (ZAE) facilities.

The water salinity of the samples was ~38, that is, nearly the highest values (40) that can be found in open seas worldwide. Neither “recent” nor “old” seawater analysed showed significant values of Cd and Pb. However, Cu was detected in the “old” seawater. These results are in accordance to the periodic control analyses carried out in the ZAE.

Laura Asturias (NAPCOM-CSIC) and Jordi Salat (ICM-CSIC)

See complete NOTE: First Tests

Common Sense, heavy metals, Laura Asturias, Martí Gich, results, sensor