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Teresa Soto presents her “Treball de recerca” on silk and bacterial cellulose

Teresa (in the center) with her teachers at Institut Pere Calders
Teresa (in the center) with her teachers at Institut Pere Calders

Teresa Soto, high school student at Institut Pere Calders, Bellaterra, has presented her Research Project (Treball de Recerca) entitled “Estudi comparatiu de dos polímers: la cel·lulosa bacteriana i la seda” (Comparative study of two polymers: bacterial cellulose and silk).

The project is about comparing the properties between these two biopolymers: bacterial cellulose, produced in our lab by the bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinus, and silk, obtained from the cocoons of silkworms.

Teresa was with us for a couple of months to do the experimental part of her project, under the supervision of Anna Laromaine.

Anna Laromaine, bacterial cellulose, cellulose, Institut Pere Calders, properties, researh project, silk, Teresa Soto