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The N&N Group at the Campus Gutenberg for scientific communication and culture

Anna May and Irene Anton have attended the Campus Gutenberg for scientific communication and culture during September 12-13, at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) – Campus Mar and at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). 


The conference consisted of some interesting debates on “How to measure the excellence and the impact of science”, “Great discoveries and controversy in the media”, or “Science museums and schools: how to develop mutual relations”. The other sessions consisted of different workshops about science, education, communication, social media, etc. A special mention to the session by Ignacio Morgado (from the Institute of Neuroscience of the UAB) on “Perceptual illusions: is the world how we see it?“, in which he made the audience realize that a lot of what we see, smell, hear… is only in our brain. 

Fix the eye for one minute in the cross on the top-left side of the picture, and then move the eye to the right side. If everything works, you will see a greenish colour. Repeat for the bottom-left cross, and then you will see a yellow colour on the bottom-right. Does it work?

Also, a special mention for Escolab, a platform that organizes visits to Catalan research centers for secondary students, and Pendulum, an association that brings the kids to the nature for a scientific picnic in the middle of the Montseny Natural Park, among other scientific workshops and activities. 

Campus Gutenberg is organized by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)-Barcelona School of Management and Obra Social “la Caixa”. Collaborators of this edition are “Centro de Estudios de Ciencia, Comunicación y Sociedad” (CCS-UPF), the “Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica” (ACCC), the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), and the Department of Experimental and Health Science of the UPF. 

For more info follow: #CGutenberg16 @beerforscience @ACCC_ @ccupf

Download the program of the conference here

Anna May, campus, Campus Gutenberg, communication, conference, Irene Anton, science communication, UPF, workshop