Congratulations to Luisa Barrera for her Graduation at MIT!

Graduation Day Lusa Barrera

We congratulate Luisa Barrera for her Graduation on Materials Science and Engineering at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 

Luisa was an intern in our group during summer 2015, under the supervision of Anna Roig. She worked on “Titania and gold nanoparticles synthesized on bacterial cellulose  for H2 production by photocatalysis”.

Congratulations Luisa! Wishing for you many more successes to come!

Photo: Luisa walking off the stage after they handed her her diploma.


Poster Prize for Anna May at the “Functional hybrid materials” workshop and training school in Stockholm

Poster Prize Anna May-MasnouPoster Prize for Anna May at the workshop and training school “Functional hybrid materials: Structure elucidation from molecular to macro level”, within the “Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (TINC)” series. 

Anna presented the poster Photocatalytic hybrid nanocomposites of bacterial cellulose and Au/TiO2 nanoparticles for hydrogen production”, a work in collaboration with the Institut de Tècniques Energètiques (INTE-UPC), and within the National Project Engineering Bacterial Cellulose (E-BCN).

This event, held in Stockholm University (May 25th-27th), was organized by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the Swedish Chemical Society, within the EU COST action MP1202 “Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials”. The Poster Prize was sponsored by the International Sol-Gel Society.

Jana Segmehl, from ETH Zurich, and who did an Internship in our group at ICMAB, also attended the workshop and presented the poster “Functional hybrid materials based on hierarchical structured cellulose scaffolds”, in which Anna Laromaine and Anna Roig are co-authors.

Jana and Anna

The program and speakers are available on the event website. A flyer of the event is found here. 

Event website: logo

Update 07/06/2016: The news appears on the International Sol-Gel Society webpage!

Update 06/10/2016: Picture of the participants in the HINT COST ACTION webpage!


Premi pel Treball Final de Grau d’en Pol Sallés

026El treball final de grau “TIO2/Au nanoparticles on bacterial cellulose substrates for photocatalytic applications” d’en Pol ha estat guardonat amb el Premi Xavier Domingo de la Universitat de Barcelona en la seva quarta edició. El Premi Xavier Domingo reconeix els millors treballs de final de grau sobre ciència de col·loides, cosmètica i detergència i està obert a tots els estudiants de les universitats espanyoles.

El lliurament del premi es farà el dia 4 de juliol a l’Hotel Crowne Plaza, coincidint amb l’acte inaugural del Formula VIII Congress of Formulation i les 46es Jornades anuals del Comité Español de la Detergencia, Tensioactivos y Afines. 

Congratulations to Anna May for the Extraordinary Ph.D. Award

IMG-20160211-WA0005We congratulate Anna May for obtaining the Extraordinary Ph.D Award (Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat) for her thesis entitled “Insights into nanomaterials: from surfactant systems to meso/macroporous materials and nanoparticles“, carried out at the Chemical Engineering Department of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and supervised by José María Gutiérrez and Montserrat Porras.

The awards ceremony took place today, February 11, at the UB Paranimf, and was also the ceremony to award the epidemiologist and oncologist Francesc Xavier Bosch with the honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa). Dr. F. Xavier Bosch is well-known for participating in the development of the HPV vaccine.


Internship at King’s College London – Toxigenomics

Laura Gokings college londonnzález is going for an internship at King’s College London for three months (February 1st – May 1st, 2016) in the framework of her Ph.D. She will be in the Toxicogenomics Group with Prof. Stephen Sturzenbaum. Laura will study whether the treatment with iron oxide and gold nanoparticles alters gene expression (at the transcriptome level) of certain genes involved in oxidative stress responses, and in heavy metals detoxification mechanisms, using C. elegans as a model organism.

Collaboration with other Universities and Research Centers is always a welcoming and positive experience, both for the graduate students and for the Group. We wish Laura all the best and success in this new adventure!





Laura González Graduation Ceremony

Laura has graduated from the ‘Mlaura graduationàster en Direcció i Organització Industrial’ of EUSS – Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià -. Her master thesis proposed a scale up fabrication process for iron oxide nanoparticles including a business plan. Yesterday she received the diploma and a prize recognition for being the top graded of her course. 

Excellent cum laude for Pengfei Niu PhD thesis!


NN group members would like to congratulate Pengefei for his excellent work on the PhD defense!

Pengfei Thesis is entitled Carbon Xerogel Nanocomposite Materials for Electrochemical Devices: Application to Heavy Metal Detection and has been supervised by Martí Gich from the NN group and by César Fernández-Sánchez from Grup de Transductors Químics of the Microelectronics Institute.