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Irene Anton attended the 29th European Conference on Biomaterials

From September 9th to 13th, the PhD student Irene Anton stayed in Maastricht (The Netherlands) in order to participate in the ESB Congress 2018. She shared her work with the poster “Bacterial Nanocellulose (BNC) and BNC-TiO2 nanocomposites as cell carriers”. The topic of the conference was “materials for life” and Irene got a very nice opportunity to catch up with the latest advances on her research field.


Irene and her poster about biomedical applications of bacterial nanocellulose

Sole Roig and Anna Roig participated in the EMN Meeting on Cellulose

From September 10th to 14th, the Energy Materials and Nanotechnology meeting focused on cellulose took place in the UAB Campus, Barcelona. Sole Roig and Anna Roig from the N&N group, actively participated in this event: Anna Roig chaired two general sessions and delivered the talk “Topography modifications and nanocomposites of bacterial nanocellulose” and Sole Roig orally presented her work “Confined nanoparticle multilayer bacterial cellulose composite”.


Good job girls!



Sole Roig with her presentation about bacterial cellulose multi stacks
Anna Roig’s oral presentation



Anna roig gives a lecture at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo

This week Anna Roig has participated in the Advanced Course “De la Nanociencia a la Nanotecnología: luces y sombras del control de la materia a escala atómica” at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo (UIMP) in Santander. She gave a lecture lecture focused on nanomaterials and the unique physical and chemical properties that emerge at the nanoscale.



Anna Roig and Anna Laromaine presented our research at the nanoMATERIALS & PLANTS: ICMAB-CRAG meeting

On Monday, July 16, 2018, the first ICMAB-CRAG meeting took place at CRAG. The goal of this meeting was to promote new collaborations among researchers from the ICMAB and the CRAG.


Anna Laromaine, who already collaborates with CRAG with the project “Plant nano-healing“, gave an overview about the C.elegans and the bacterial cellulose research lines in the N&N group. Later, Anna Roig presented the library of nanoparticles and its diverse applications that the N&N group has developed in the recent years.

Anna Laromaine during her talk at CRAG
Anna Roig showing the different types of nanoparticles produced by the N&N group

Anna Laromaine invited to the Congreso Anual de Biotecnologia in Girona

Anna Laromaine gave an invited lecture at the Congreso Anual de Biotecnologia (BioBAC) that took place in Girona the last 11th-13th July of 2018. She gave an overview of our activities in the biotechnology field with special focus on the research related with bacterial cellulose. It was very encouraging to see the interested and motivated students which participated at the conference.

Irene at the World Ophthalmology Congres

Irene Anton, PhD student at the NN group, attended the World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC 2018) organized by the International Council of Ophthalmology and held at La Fira de Barcelona (16-19 June 2018). In this huge congress, the latest advances in clinical practises and new technologies for eye care were presented. Irene also attended the 3D live surgery offered by the Barraquer Institute.

Jan participated in the 1st Spanish Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials

7th-8th of June 2018

Jan Grzelak, PhD student at the N&N group, travelled to Madrid to attend the 1st Spanish Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials (SBAN) held at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM). Jan presented the poster “Mesoporous silica nanorods as theranostic platforms”.